Monday, May 3, 2010

Yardwork Part III

Our backyard along the house has been a mess since we moved in almost 3 years ago.  There are beautiful ferns growing there, which had been unfortunately joined and choked out by lots of weeds.  The ground was a mud/ mix of random stones and rocks.  I don't have any good up-close pictures of this sad area because, well, why would we photograph it; it was a mess!

Here is the closest picture I can find:

We decided to fight back against the ugly.  We re-purposed stones from the chimney that was taken down to make a barrier wall, weeded everything but the ferns out, used newspapers as weed growth - preventer, and put in landscape stones to finish the area.  It was HARD WORK... the border stones had been relocated to the far end of the property and had to be wheelbarrowed back up.  But we are so happy we finally did it!  A busy but rewarding day.

Near the side door:

(Propane tank hopefully is next to go-relocated around the corner of the house)

Lily- approved!

1 comment:

  1. Did you put the newspapers under the stones? I've heard a lot about newspapers as weed preventers, but I'm curious as to how they are utilized. Thanks!
